9 Time Management Strategies to Achieve Success

Time management strategies play a vital role in achieving personal and financial success. Many of us constantly search for the answer to the question, “How do I become successful?” and I firmly believe that the answer lies in effective time management. In the past, I may not have given this concept much thought, considering it a simplistic response. However, over time, I’ve come to realize that time management is the key. 

We often fantasize about meeting a successful person we admire and asking them about their path to success, only to receive the clichéd response: “Hard work.” While hard work is undoubtedly important, the missing piece of the puzzle lies in understanding why we may be toiling away without seeing the desired outcomes. This is where the significance of employing these 9-time management strategies comes into play, strategies that anyone can utilize to achieve success. 

Acknowledging the need for hard work is a given. The real challenge lies in understanding why our efforts might feel fruitless and discovering how we can enhance our daily productivity. Implementing these 9-time management strategies will empower individuals to achieve success and gain a sense of fulfillment from what they do. 

Personally, I despise the feeling of reaching the end of a day only to realize that I haven’t accomplished anything substantial. It’s disheartening when our days control us instead of the other way around. 

One pivotal aspect of effective time management strategies is understanding your driving force. If you’re uncertain about what truly motivates you, that’s perfectly fine. Dedicate 15-20 minutes each day to sit quietly and reflect on your deepest desires. It may take a couple of days or even weeks, but eventually, the answers will come to you. 

Once you have identified your goal, it’s crucial to follow through and ensure that you maximize your time to achieve what you truly desire. This is where honing your time management skills becomes invaluable. By consciously making time for what’s truly important, you’ll find that your days no longer pass you by, and you will accomplish more of the things that matter to you. 

How do you change that? 

 To effectively implement these 9-time management strategies for success, it is crucial to develop a plan and maintain consistency in forming new habits. Focus on each day without getting overwhelmed by the progress you’ve made or how far you still have to go. Here are the strategies: 

1.  Decide on what you want: 

Figuring out your life’s purpose and aspirations can be a complex journey, similar to the days  spent in a guidance counselor’s office contemplating your college major. There are three ways to assist yourself in this process: 

  • Identify your passions: Think about the activities that ignite your enthusiasm and bring you immense joy. It could be a burning desire to be a firefighter or any other pursuit that makes time fly by. Effective time management involves engaging in activities aligned with your passions, and I sincerely hope that everyone reading this can experience that sense of fulfillment. 
  • Recognize your natural talents: Consider the tasks that you effortlessly excel at. It could be your innate ability to shine in front of a camera, which might lead you towards a career in broadcasting. If you fall into this category, it’s essential to set specific goals. Merely going through the motions day after day won’t be fulfilling in the long run. Embrace daily challenges that allow you to leverage and enhance your valuable skills. 
  • Explore your interests and desire to learn: If you haven’t discovered a burning passion or identified natural talents, focus on acquiring new skills and becoming an asset in your field. While you may not initially feel passionate about the chosen skill, the desire to learn is present. For example, working in sales which I did for many years, might not initially seem appealing, but by immersing yourself in the role and continuously developing your expertise, you can find great fulfillment in assisting clients/customers and positively impacting their lives. Maintain a goal-oriented approach in this category by consistently expanding your skillset and setting new milestones. 

By implementing these strategies, you can align your time and efforts with your goals, passions, talents, or interests, leading to greater fulfillment and success in the long run. Remember to stay committed, consistent, and open to continuous growth.

2. Realize what is no longer important: 

Much of our time is dedicated to work or sleep, leaving only a portion for activities that we engage in simply to pass the time. Recognizing what is no longer important is as crucial as identifying what we truly desire. While there may be room for course correction if you feel you’ve made a wrong turn or a mistake, taking the time to ensure you feel good about your decisions will benefit you in the long run. 

For instance, in my personal journey, I had a strong desire to achieve peak physical fitness. Inspired by my admiration for Arnold Schwarzenegger and the world of bodybuilding, I dedicated myself to waking up at 5 am every day to pursue that goal. However, as time went on and my priorities shifted, I found myself lacking enough time to pursue other important goals. This led me to replace the time in the gym with some of my new interests which were centered around my financial goals. I still go to the gym, but not like before.  

Effective time management involves making tough decisions and being honest with oneself. I eventually recognized that being in the absolute best shape of my life was no longer a priority. While I still engage in light exercises to maintain my fitness, I replaced those early morning workouts with blogging and reading at 5 am, as these new goals took precedence. 

3. Keep your goal in front of you: 

Your goals should be unique to you, and comparing them to others’ achievements will only hinder your progress. By keeping your goals in front of you, you can stay motivated and resilient in the face of daily challenges. Remember, comparing yourself to friends or family will serve no purpose other than holding you back. Instead, be genuinely happy for their accomplishments, offer congratulations, and refocus your energy on pursuing your own personal goals. 

4. Keep your thoughts positive: 

Your attitude plays a significant role in shaping how your day unfolds. Think about the last time you woke up feeling fantastic and positive for no apparent reason, and how those emotions carried throughout the entire day. When you maintain a positive mindset, positive things tend to happen. Conversely, negative thoughts can attract negative outcomes. Personally, I have developed a memory bank full of uplifting thoughts and memories that I can tap into on challenging days to realign myself. I encourage you to try it as well; it can go a long way in maintaining a positive outlook and influencing the course of your day. 


5. Know what you want in the short term: 

Short-term goals are essential for maintaining motivation and energy on a daily basis, especially when long-term goals may feel distant and unattainable. Short-term goals can be set on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and they can be personal or professional in nature. For example, if you have a special event, such as your spouse’s birthday, coming up in three months and you want to make extra income to create an amazing experience, a good short-term goal could be to commit to working extra hours to generate additional income on the side. 

Side hustles are perfect for pursuing short-term goals, and once you achieve your goal, you can step away from them at any time. If you need suggestions, there are numerous options available. Check out a great list of side hustles to explore. 

6. Know what you want in the long term: 

While it may require trial and error, finding a solid long-term goal will bring you an incredible sense of calm and confidence. You’ll realize that every action you take and every thought you have is leading you towards that goal. The beauty lies not only in achieving the goal but also in enjoying the journey along the way. Take some time for yourself, whether it’s a long drive or a walk, to let your imagination guide you and ask yourself where you would like to be in 10 years. Embrace this question rather than shying away from it, as it can provide valuable insights. 

7. Stop multitasking: 

While multitasking may give the illusion of effectiveness and productivity, I have found that focusing on one task at a time yields better results when improving time management skills. Embracing the use of to-do lists has been a game-changer for me. By prioritizing tasks on the list and focusing on one task at a time before moving on to the next, I have found greater clarity and efficiency. This approach aligns with Warren Buffett’s 5/25 rule and is effective both at work and at home. When faced with multiple options or tasks, try using this method to simplify your decision-making process. 

8. Forgive yourself: 

We often waste unnecessary time and mental energy by dwelling on our mistakes and beating ourselves up over them. Getting stuck in our heads with regrets and thoughts of past mistakes limits our ability to move forward. Instead, consider adopting a constructive approach. Reflect on the mistakes made, learn from them, and develop strategies to better prepare yourself for similar scenarios in the future. By reframing your mindset and focusing on growth, you can free up time and mental space to be more productive and present in the present moment. 


9. Forgive others: 

Forgiveness is not only crucial for the long-term care of our relationships but also for our own well-being. When we hold onto anger and resentment towards others, it disrupts our emotions and can derail our day. Anyone or anything that has the power to affect our mood also has the power to throw us off track. 

Forgiving others can be challenging, especially if we have been deeply hurt or wronged. However, carrying hate and negative feelings only harms us in the long run. It’s difficult to think positively and negatively at the same time. By initiating the process of forgiveness and letting go of those who bring negativity into our thoughts, we can free ourselves from the burden of resentment. 


These 9-time management strategies can be implemented by anyone and can lead to great success in your life. One of my favorite quotes, “As you think and feel, so are you,” by Joseph Murphy, resonates deeply with me. It made me reevaluate any feelings of bitterness and hate I held towards others because I realized that those feelings ruin my overall mood. Instead, why not wish others wellness and happiness, allowing ourselves to be well and happy in return? I encourage you to practice this approach and witness its effectiveness.

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