About Me



My name is Sebastien, and I am 31 years old like most of you, my goal is to achieve financial freedom and create a better life for myself and my family. Everyone’s version of financial freedom is personal and different, for me it means creating multiple streams of income to supplement the income I receive from my current position in sales.  

I am not a financial expert, but I am a believer in investing early. Even if you’re not sure yet of what your financial goals are, find a way to invest a small portion of your income every month. 

Some of us want to be entrepreneurs, others want the security that comes with a 9 to 5 job; ideally a high paying one. No matter where you stand, building wealth for most people comes down to discipline and consistency. 

 Knowledge is always helpful but thankfully being an expert is not a requirement when it comes to building wealth over the long-term.  

Starting is the most important thing 

Don’t just spend your time learning how to build or how to start a business; whatever knowledge you gain, do your best to implement it in your daily life even if you start small.  

There’s no rule book that says you must become an expert first before applying what you’ve learned. Learn as you go and use whatever your “failures” are as teachable moments. Nothing imprints on us more than the desire to not repeat past mistakes. 

For a long time, I felt like I was always doing research, reading books on how to invest, watching videos on how to invest but never felt ready. Things started changing for me when I stopped over preparing and started to act. 

You can follow the blueprint set by other successful people by learning from some of their mistakes and speed up your own path to success. 

With all the resources at our disposal, carving out our own path and doing it our way has never been easier. If you have a great idea, stay focused and follow through on it. 

How did I end up here? 

The idea behind Financial Browsing was born behind me innocently helping an older family member with her retirement plans 

I quickly realized that I knew even less than she did about the steps involved in preparing for retirement; it all seemed so vast and overwhelming. To help her I decided to learn and educate myself more on all the important aspects of retirement to at least point her in the right direction. 

I didn’t become an expert by any means but helping her felt great. In the process I learned that with a little patience finding the information was a lot easier than I initially thought; from then on, I never looked back. 

I want this site to be a resource for anyone that needs a reliable source of information, as well as a place where opinions can be shared on all subjects centered around self-improvement for the purpose of achieving financial freedom. There are a lot of resources out there, but I am hoping to build a community and team of writers that are open to sharing their experiences and their expertise for all of us to learn from.  



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