Social Distancing the Reset Button You Needed

You Hate spending money

You pretend to enjoy spending 15 bucks for a drink at a nightclub when you know the whole bottle costs 12, pretend to enjoy expensive brunches on the weekends, pretend to enjoy going to lounges and spending $100s all the while you cringe at the thought of every dollar leaving your pocket.

Why do you do this?

To keep up, or rather to not get left behind. Your friends call you every weekend to go out, and you get away with saying NO now and then but eventually you realize too many NO’s will cause that phone to stop ringing and the thought of that is terrifying.

There it goes The loss of the millionaire mindset.

This is how it starts for many of us, losing the mindset that has the potential to turn us into millionaires. Save, budget, invest, and account for every dollar.

The biggest way to help ourselves at any stage of life is to control our spending. For some of us, It truly is a struggle because of debt and bills that seem to be insurmountable, but for this small group it is a choice made from fear of being left behind.

Eventually that inner voice that makes you question yourself every time you overspend will get smaller and eventually disappear; that lifestyle you never enjoyed will become the new normal.

This is how many of us live our lives. I’m writing this amid all the social distancing craze because of the Covid-19 virus and find myself thinking of how everyone is being impacted differently. Most of us will come out of it unchanged, but hopefully a few will come out of it a little different.

This will not apply to everyone and might not make sense to others. If this resonates with you, please take notice and make a change.

Are you itching to go back to the way things were or looking forward to a change?

We’ve all seen the endless posts on social media about those who are eager to get back out there and resume life as they knew it with their friends; back to the expensive weekend brunches and the expensive lifestyle. Nothing wrong with that if it’s coming from a place of enjoyment.

Let’s talk about those of you who are thankful for this break from all your social pressures. Take this time to assess if your current relationships are matching up with your current goals, short or long.

Fear of losing friendships and relationships should never be an excuse for compromising the vision of what you want your life to be.

Social distancing the reset button you needed

Don’t look back on the successes you didn’t achieve financially because of time spent not budgeting saving and investing. Your goal might not be to become a millionaire, but I’m sure it falls somewhere in between.

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